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Friday, October 28, 2011


Hi, I'm Kate, an American exchange student studying architecture in Germany along with 4 other American friends. 

I'm finally starting this blog after living in Dessau for nearly 2 months. I started this little place on the interwebs to share my experiences of living in a foreign country, the things I'm learning in the Masters of Architecture Program at DIA, and some fun crafts, recipes, fashion and life stories along the way. Let's just call this blog all-inclusive!

Why "Dessau, Ni Hao"? It represents the confusion I often feel living in a country that doesn't speak my language! I am currently living with two delightful German students, and upon our first meeting, one of my roommates brought his girlfriend along. She was baffled at the way I pronounced Dessau, the town I will be living in for 6 months. I pronounce it "de-sSAU", while the Germans pronounce it "DE-ssau". Confused? I was; it sounds the same to me! But apparently she thought I sounded as if I have a Chinese accent. And accents here in Germany have a different stigma than in America. In the US I can often understand the heaviest of accents, but in Germany, the slightest variation is unrecognizable, at least in my experiences. Perhaps my German is just worse than I thought!

Therefore I bring you, "Dessau, Hello!", or "Dessau, Ni Hao!".

What a trip it has been so far. But I've loved every minute of it none the less.

 Prost (Cheers)!

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